E-Chavadi is a Land record system invented to bring transparency in the land records. 1000 Patwari voluntarily contributed from Kolhapur, Sangli & Baramati division & we developed this E-Chavadi concept. It covered the online 7/12, 1 to 21 forms of land records and online mutation to stop the illegal sale purchase of the land, banking frauds etc. by land mafia. The Government of Maharashtra appreciated this innovation and released the Government Order (GR) and made it mandatory across the state.
Smart Rain Tracker
India is known as an agricultural country, agriculture is depend upon the water & rain is the only natural source of water for it. However, we did not have the scientific method for calculating the rainfall and system for recording the rainfall and its further use. India also faced two types of natural disasters, flood or drought & both are caused due to heavy rainfall or no rainfall. Smart Rain Tracker is a solution to this problem, which automatically calculates, record and broadcast the daily rainfall to all concerned such as police, corporation, agriculture department, schools etc. through auto email and SMS on daily basis. It also process the daily rainfall data and produces hundred of reports required for various reasons.
GPS technology is customized as per the requirement to control the malpractices of distribution of the kerosene & food provided to below poverty people by using GPS, GPRS & GSM technology. GPS technology is customized for monitoring the police patrolling vehicles and developed a high tech control room for the police department.
It identifies the locations of the patrolling vehicles and provide timely help. It also automatically controls as if the patrolling vehicle is idle for 20 minutes, it automatically reports to the SP of the Police on his / her mobile. The Government of Maharashtra issued the Government Order and made it compulsory in the entire state.
Other Innovations
Randomization system for elections in India
A system through which the election process is executed such as forming polling party, polling officials, polling booth etc.
Common Service Centers
We developed the entire Government to Citizen system, under which a CSC center is established after every 6 villages and the citizens now
Only Daughters Club
A initiative to encourage the people having only daughters by way of forming a club of such families & approaching other communities, Governments, institutions like banks, education etc. to facilitate them in their best way. We are demanding that society should encourage such parents for having only daughters, the Government should provide special benefits such as government employee having only daughter should be posted at the preferred locations, they should be given priority in promotion etc., the educational institution should reserve some seats for the daughters of only daughter family, and so on
A unique initiative to sensitize the issue of female feticide. A private licensed rikshaw is painted with the theme of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao and rikshawthon is executed in the districts selected under that scheme to the colleges and public places to create the awareness.
LGBT National Seminar
A national seminar for 2 days is conducted by Rising India for the LGBT community & their rights.
Uncensored Gappa
A talk show for young generation by the experts from various fields to guide them through
Marathi Drama – Kasaab ani Mi
A drama talks on increasing violence in the youth, produced by Rising India
Media activities for sensitization social issues
Media is the most powerful tool for the awareness. We have promoted various like-minded media such as Poster Girl movie etc. Published audio CD of Dr. Narendra Dabholkar 10 lectures & DVD titled “Prashna Tumche uttar dabholkaranche to promote the scientific temperament Implemented a model for cashless India in one tahesil w with the contribution of 100 college students